Credits: Creative Technologist
Description: Designed from scratch with love, J-IIFE the Robot is the cutest ring bearer robot you'll ever meet.
Features: At his heart, J-IIFE is Raspberry Pi WiFi hotspot with a Node.JS / Express web server running on the backend, and a simple differential steering control interface on the front end. A User operates J-IIFE by logging into the WiFi hotspot and pulling up the control interface on their favorite web browser.
Tech: Raspberry Pi, Arduino, L298N motor controller, Node.JS / Express, Socket.IO. All 3d printed parts were designed using Autodesk Fusion 360.
Photo credit: Sarah Hurley with Lin & Jirsa Photography
J-IIFE test run on location with groomsmen / tech team.
Full sized digital mockup in Autodesk Fusion 360.
Dimensional drawings from Fusion 360.
3d printed wheel.
Load test on 12v 120rpm motor.
Motor mount fitment test. Tires are 50mm nitrile o-rings.
Motors and motor mounts tested on platform.
Foam structure of the head.
J-IIFE without his skin.
Testing out placement of hardware on platform.
Motors wired up.
Arduino control unit using a L298N controller.